hyz2005-01-06 18:34:40
It looks like the b1b2 visa valid date for Chinese will extend to one yr after Jan 6th, we usually have 6 months before.
再说一遍!2005-01-06 18:44:46
没看懂!valid date还是说的是duration?
hyz2005-01-06 19:11:53
Visa Vs. Status
hyz2005-01-06 20:01:32
Tell me how you translate
对否??2005-01-06 20:41:12
Visa valid date翻译成:签证有效日期
hyz2005-01-06 21:04:14
secificDay2005-01-06 21:17:51
I think that means just one
visavalid2005-01-06 21:20:07
It means duration of which the