英文来自Department of Labor’s FY 2005 Transition Guidance
1.在1月1日前SWA所完成审核的案件会被按正常程序转至相应的DOL Regional office处理,除非劳工部有新的指示。而不能在1月1日前完成的案件会按指示转至相应处理中心作进一步的处理。
SWAs will continue to accept and review cases until January 1, 2005, at which point, SWAs will not start review of any applications, but simply date stamp and log applications in order to establish a filing date (priority date). After January 1, 2005, cases at SWAs that are in the process of SWA review should be completed and then forwarded to Atlanta or Chicago.
In July 2004, the DOL published a backlog reduction interim final rule to allow the transfer of labor certification cases pending at either a DOL regional office or a SWA to one or more centralized processing locations.
3.一旦这些申请依照TG指引被transfer至适当的积压申请处理中心,将一律按照“First-in, First-out”的顺序来处理,
All cases received at backlog centers will be processed in order of priority date to ensure the oldest cases are worked on first.
1.在regional level,只要你的案子还未被打开,还会送到积案处理中心.
2.一旦你的案子被送到BEC,所有案子一起按priority date排一个队(当然RIR和regular还是分开排队).
所有案子will be processed in order of priority date to ensure the oldest cases are worked on first. 劳工部认为这是对所有申请人最公平的原则。