Canada-Immigration2005-01-17 21:33:19
Hi guys:
I applied Immigration Canada as skilled worker and received my AOR last Otc.(I am currently in Canada). I know it will take at least 2 months to process my police certificate from RCMP, so it is time to do it right now (I assume I will receive my IA this May). My question is Can I apply my police certificate before receiving my IA? I found the description on BUFFALO website "DO NOT request a police certificate from Hong Kong, the United States or Canada until you are instructed to do so by a visa office." ( If I do so, will it slow down my process? However, I heard some people said "Yes, You can do that. and it will save you 2-3 months". I am so confused. Who have already applied police certificate before IA is sent out? Also, if CIC does not ask my police certificate but I do it, will this slow down my case?

I really appreciate your help

Thanks again
