thankyouveryverymuch2005-01-28 15:07:57
My daughter was born after we received our first letter. I notified the Canadian Immigaration office by fax and they requested some additional materials. In the letter of requesting for materials, they included something like "Once the requested document received, medical forms will be sent to you." I sent in all the requested materials and the additional application fee of USD 110. Later the medical forms were sent to us. This time, they again requested for the same documents for my child and there is no medical form for my child. The interesting thing is that they indicated in the same letter that they have recieved the USD110. I sent them another fax and asked for the medical form for my child. In the meanwhile, we conducted our medical examination for all of us including my child as the doctor has a supplementary form for my child and the doctor assured us that it will be ok. However, today, I just recieved another letter from the Canadian immigration office asking one more time of the supportng materials for my child including an additional application fee of USD 130. I think it increased because of the exchage rate. I also checked with my financial institution. The Cahsier's check of usd110 was already cashed by the Canadian Immigration office.

I am really lost about what to do. Please advice.

Please advice on the following question:
1) Do I have to send in all the supporting documents?
2) Do I have to pay another USD 130?
3) Do I have to do another medical exam for my child?

interestin2005-01-28 15:40:49
ImmCanada2005-01-28 16:08:20
thankyouve2005-01-28 16:26:21