cdqb2005-02-02 17:31:51

大家都知道如果你在中国读了医学院的本科有了医学学士学位,可以到美国考医生执照!!美国现在非常缺护士,他们对那种本科不是护士的外国人推出了一种叫做Entry Level Masters Program , 这种专业可以考美国RN执照,读出来是硕士学位,可以办绿卡,如果你是中国国内读了医学院本科毕业有了医学学士学位,然后去读这种PROGRAM,很容易拿绿卡,有了绿卡再去考医生执照找住院医生位置就很容易,这是一条很可行的道路!!下面是关于
Entry Level Masters Program 的介绍和一些网址,另外我认识一个协和的八年制的博士





奋斗,都当上了医生!所以如果你是国内的医学院毕业的MD,赶紧去找个护士老婆吧或者申请这种Entry Level Masters Program 在美国先当护士后当医生!希
望这些对大家有所 帮助!!

Entry Level Masters Program

Why the Entry Level Master of Science in Nursing?

This is a wonderful program for the highly committed student wanting a
graduate degree in nursing, as well as the clinical skills and exposure
necessary for success as a registered nurse. This program prepares qualified
applicants with an earned baccalaureate degree in a non-nursing field to
complete Pacific Lutheran University’s Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
The cohort program may be completed in 36 months with the first 15 months
requiring full-time, intensive study for 52 semester credits. The subsequent
months are structured for the student to be able to work part-time as a
registered nurse while completing the remaining credits required for the MSN

The program is clinically and academically intensive to assure the student of
adequate exposure to the RN role and responsibilities, as well as developing
an advanced practice role at completion of the program. Students are expected
to complete the entire 36-month program with their cohort. Any student leaving
the program prior to completing the MSN may not be able to sustain RN

Changes in health care offer new opportunities and career pathways for
registered nurses with graduate level degrees appropriate for their roles and
responsibilities. The entry-level MSN from PLU prepares advanced practice
nurses who are able to provide direct and indirect care to individuals and
diverse groups of people in a variety of health care settings.

Overview of the Entry Level MSN Program
Foundational Portion

The Entry Level MSN is an intensive scholarly and clinical program for the
first fifteen months preparing the student to become a registered nurse. A
cohort group of students will be admitted allowing for close interaction.
Classes at this level will be held during the week and may involve evening
hours. After successfully completion of the foundational portion and NCLEX-RN
exam, students continue the MSN program in one of two concentrations.

MSN Concentrations

There are two concentrations of study in the Master of Science in Nursing
program: Care and Outcomes Manager and Family Nurse Practitioner. Each
concentration includes specialization courses and participation in
professional scholarship such as writing for publication.

Classes offered during the last two years of the program are normally
scheduled weekday evenings and Fridays to accommodate students who are
employed. Clinical experiences typically occur during day or evening shift
hours. Students complete the advanced practice portion of the MSN program in
four semesters.

Care and Outcomes Manager
(Minimum 35 semester credits, in addition to the foundational 52)

This course of study allows students to focus on care management using an
outcomes approach skill set necessary for being responsive in a continually
changing health care environment. The program prepares the student for an
advanced practice role as a clinical nurse specialist (CNS), clinical nurse
educator for schools or agencies, or nurse administrator at the systems level
(e.g., case managers, utilization review coordinators, risk managers, and
nursing informaticists).

This concentration prepares students to provide quality, cost effective care
in a defined context, participate in the design and implementation of an
evaluation and outcomes model, assume a leadership role in managing health
care resources, and integrate clinical and evaluation competencies for care
and outcomes management.

Family Nurse Practitioner
(minimum 37 semester credits, in addition to the foundational 52)

This course of study focuses on client-centered clinical practice. This
primary care program prepares nurses to: respond to the needs of today's and
tomorrow's health care consumers; manage direct care based on advanced
assessment and diagnostic reasoning; incorporate health promotion and disease
prevention interventions into health care delivery; and realize their
potential for professional growth, responsibility and autonomy.

Successful completion of the Family Nurse Practitioner program will qualify
students to sit for the certifying examination, which qualifies them under
Washington state law for ARNP licensure.

Admission Process
Priority deadline for applications is January 15 with decisions being made by
February 15. A limited cohort will be admitted, and admission is expected to
be competitive.

Prerequisites to have been successfully completed:

Introductory Statistics - Descriptive and Inferential
Human Anatomy and Physiology (2 course sequence)
Introductory Microbiology
Developmental Psychology - Lifespan
Criteria for consideration of admission:

Submission of PLU Graduate Application including:
School of Nursing Addendum to Application and
Washington State Background Disclosure Affidavit

Hold a baccalaureate degree from a fully accredited college or university
Submission of official transcripts from each college or university attended
Submission of official Graduate Record Exam (GRE) results within the last five
years, with a score of 500 or better in each area
Submission of professional resume
Submission of professional goal statement
Submission of two professional letters of recommendation
Completion of the TOEFL only if ESL
Achieved a minimum cumulative GPA 3.0 on 4.0 scale for all college work
Minimum grade of 3.0 on 4.0 scale in each prerequisite

Outline of Curriculum
NCLEX-RN (Fifteen month) Curriculum
Summer 2004

NURS 220 Nursing Competencies I
NURS 580 Advanced Pathophysiology
NURS 320 Nursing Competencies II
NURS 270 Health Assessment and Promotion

Fall 2004

NURS 260 Professional Foundations
NURS 330 Pharmacology and Therapeutic Modalities
NURS 340 Situations with Individuals: Adult Health I
NURS 350 Situations with Individuals: Mental Health

January 2005

NURS 370 Situations with Families: Childrearing

Spring 2005

NURS 380 Situations with Families: Childbearing
NURS 440 Situations with Individuals: Adult Health II
NURS 441 Situations Seminar
NURS 430 Situations with Communities

Summer 2005

NURS 480 Nursing Synthesis Seminar
NURS 490 Nursing Synthesis

For more information or to request a copy of the Master of Science in Nursing
Viewbook, visit the Request More Information page or e-mail us at ... =473&subcat_id=
108&page_id=316 ... =473&subcat_id=
108&page_id=316 ... celerated/bsn_secon
ddegree_sample_pos.asp ... ad/direct/bsmsn.asp ... /direct_entry.shtml

所以中国的护士尤其是英语好的护士赶紧嫁一个英语好的的有医学学士学位的医生吧,你到美国当护士办绿卡,你劳工可以到美国考医生执照,然后你这辈子就爽了!!医生在美国可是上流社会啊!!我认识的一个中国人,他的白人女朋友是University of Chicago 的校花,从小就练习芭蕾舞,身材非常好,人也很漂亮,很NICE!University of Chicago 就相当于中国的清华北大这样的名校,你想想在中国如果要想追到清华北大的校花,男孩应该是什么样的优秀的人!!但是就这么一个优秀的女生照样主动追求这个中国医生,因为她们知道嫁给医生,又有社会地位又有钱!!所以不要说什么美国有什么种族歧视,其实你只要有本事,在那儿都没有人敢歧视你!!!反正我周围的中国医生都是漂亮性感的白人女孩子倒追!!而且这些女孩都还挺优秀!!


美国RN 护士一般每周上班三天,每班12小时,早上7点到晚上7点半,或晚7点到早上7点

★RN日薪 = ($25 x 8) + ($37.5 x 4) = $ 350美元/日 (加州为例)

★RN 周薪 = $350 x 3 Days = $1,050美元/周

★RN 年薪 = $1,050 x 50 = $52,500美元/年

★夜班 : 每小时薪资多 $2美元

★周末班 : 每小时薪资多 $3 - $4美元

★Per Diem (RN护士上完正常班后如愿意加班做流动护士) : 时薪每小时 $40 - $50美元

★Home Visiting RNs(家庭访问护士) : 时薪每小时$45美元

因此护士如每周愿意加班2 天每天8小时每周多收入 = $40 x 8 x 2 = $640美元

每月收入将增加为 = ( $1,050 + $640) x 4 = $6760美元

年薪将增加为( $1,050 + $640) x 50 = $84,500美元

护士如每周愿意加班2 天每天12小时每周多收入 = $40 x 12 x 2 = $960美元

每月收入将增加为 = ( $1,050 + $960) x 4 = $8040美元

年薪将增加为( $1,050 + $960) x 50 = $100,500美元