基本情况: 2流大学的博士后,来美第2年完开始申请。
(1) Authorship of scholarly articles in the field published in the professional journals:
30 journal papers and 33 peer-reviewed conference papers
(2) Receipt of lesser nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards in the field of endeavor:
3 Nationally recognized awards from the Chinese government
1 prestigious international fellowship award from the *** government
(3) Participation individually as a judge of the work of others in the field or an allied field :
Referee for three international journals in USA, UK, Japan
(4) Membership in associations in the field which require outstanding achievements as judged by recognized international experts:
Senior member of the **** society
(5)Original scientific, scholarly contributions of major significance in the field: 13 original scientific contributions (严格地说算胡说八道).
(6) 10 recommendation letters from USA, JAPAN, CHINA,ITALY,Turkey
14页cover letter, 11页 my research work. 在research work里大谈军事应用背景。
所有的需要公证的材料都是在学校的international student service 公证的。
Cover letter 里面就所列举的几条进行论证,主要引用推荐信里的话。比如说,你要想说你得奖的重要性,你就找个知道该奖项的人说这个奖如何了得,然后在cover letter里引用。再比如,你要说membership有多重要,用数据论证,在这个学会有400000万会员,分为那些等级,我现在是什么会员,只占X%。文章评审的证据是从editor-in-chief那里要来的,评审文章都是义务的,所以你要这证明信的时候他们不会为难你。工作的重要性和创新性还是要从推荐信里体现,我文章的引用率低,所以根本就没有提。至於文章就把第一页copy放在一起。
把材料分门别类比如用1-1,1-2。。。2-1,2-2。。evidence 用彩色标签也写上1-1,1-2,。。让他们很容易找到想要的材料。