StopBy2005-02-17 16:36:14

I posted this question last night, but this site has a lot of junks this morning. Hope more peaple can see this post and give me some ideas. Thanks.


We filed NIW at VSC in Dec, 2004. Two days ago I received the EAD card. Does anyone know if EAD process has some kind of relationship with AP process? I mean, if the EAD get approved, will my AP get approved soon? Or these two have nothing to do with each other at all (I may get the AP tomorrow, or 3 months later). For those who applied both and received both if you can share the information of how many days between you received these two, I will really appreciate it. I am trying to book a ticket. Just notice that staring from April, the price almost 50% up from the current level. That is why I am wondering when I can get the AP. Thanks for sharing your information.
满脸胡子天天刮2005-02-17 16:43:14
EAD and AP 没有任何关系。移民局的事情是不可预估的
StopBy2005-02-17 16:51:40
回复:EAD and AP 没有任何关系。移民局的事情是不可预估的
Dongbeiyin2005-02-17 17:43:31
回复:回复:EAD and AP 没有任何关系。移民局的事情