wanysh2005-02-26 01:49:12
This is good news, my mother just got visa in Beijing on 25/2.
I have questions:
(1 )The visa is only 4 months staying in USA, and single entrance. May I apply for her visa extension after she arrives?
she is 60 years old, she won't visit us after this time, so I don't mind if the extension causes her future visa refused.
(2) If I apply for extension, where to apply and when to apply?

Thanks very much for any reply.
channon2005-02-26 03:50:24
after your mother arrives here
wanysh2005-02-26 04:21:49
回复:after your mother arrives here
chunsh2005-02-26 06:17:22
在这请问要给父母办签证, 我需要提供什么文件?
wanysh2005-02-26 22:13:26
回复:在这请问要给父母办签证, 我需要提供什么文件?
APEDA2005-02-28 03:10:31
回复:my mother got visa at Beijing