aboutmyI140status2005-03-03 04:07:44
Dear friends,
I got an information from the TSC about my I140 status, I am very nervers now. Is there someone who had the same experience about it? Who knows what kind of the information the TSC need? The message is,

On March 1, 2005, we responded to your request for more information concerning your case. If you have not received our response within 30 days from this date, please call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

Thank you very much for your help.
hey2005-03-03 04:15:25
what did your lawyer say?
samemessa2005-03-03 04:15:51
Calm down, I received exactly
adfadsfasd2005-03-03 04:20:00
回复:Got an information from TSC
onceNIW2005-03-03 15:37:43
回复:Got an information from TSC
补材料2005-03-03 23:08:25
回复:Got an information from TSC
aboutmyI142005-03-05 01:55:52
回复:Got an information from TSC