移民法讲座2005-03-22 06:03:52
Observing the Easter long weekend on March 26th, the original planned Immigration Law Seminar will be postponed to April 2nd (Saturday). Per request by CASTP, this seminar will be joined by the Intellectual Property Law seminar offered by FBI.

Time: Saturday, April 2, 2005
Location: Doherty Hall 1212, Carnegie Mellon University

Seminar A: "Recruitment of FBI and U.S. law on the Intellectual Property and Immigration Law Seminar"
Speaker: FBI agent, Mr. Jim Knights.
Time: 1:00 pm--2:00 pm

Seminar B: Immigration Law:
Speaker: Attorney Sarah Zhao.
Time: 2:00pm-5:30pm
- Road map to green card
- Recent changes in the immigration law and their impacts
- H-1B visa and O1 visa
- EB1 and National Interest Waiver issues
- How to apply GC for your parents in the future

After the talk, Sarah will be available for individual questions.

Drinks and light snacks will be provided.