本人H-1B status是,无H-1签证。在大学做博士后,想坐飞机到加拿大去一趟。有些人说没有问题,可以去,回美国不用签证。但也有人告述我说必须签证才能回来。
Surrender this permit when you leave the US.:
-By sea or air, to the transportation line;
-Across the Canadian border, to a Canadian Official;
-Across the Mexican border, to a U.S. Official;
Students planning to reenter the U.S. within 30 days to return to the same school, see "Arrival-Departure" on page 2 of Form I-20 prior to surrendering this permit.
上述文字的第三行(Across the Canadian border)是否意味只有到加拿大,且是到加拿大的政府部门才需要交卡,其他情况不需要交卡。而且这里没提到30天的限制,这显然不对,但应该如何理解呢?