Worthit2005-05-08 15:46:16


They did not say the exibits were not clearly labeled. They meant your materials were not well organized to support what you claimed in your application. Or simply it means you might have used unrelated materials as evidence because you do not have other strong evidence.


Each case is unique because of different backgrounds.
They do not care how you organize materials in your case in a particular way. But they do care how you use those materials to support what you claimed in your application.

3.引用BUSH 的讲话等只是借官方之口来说明我研究领域的重要性.

It is fine to cite the words from Bush (But do not cite whole speech of Bush!!) That is not enough. You need to demonstrate how excellent you are (superior to your peers?) and what impacts of your research work.


You should focus on the citations of your first authorship papers. If you do need the citatations from coauthorship publications, you need to demonstrate specifically what and how much you contributed to that paper (such as the letter from first author to prove what you said). You can mention them but do not focus on them. In a word, you need to demonstrate you are superior to your peers. If all citations from your coauthorship publications, how can you prove you are superior to your peers if you just have coauthorship publications.

Yes, you can but not always. It depends on the purpose.

Anyway, said is easier than done. You may need to get a copy of successful petition letter from your friends, and then use it to discuss with your lawyer and knowledge him.

Take your own responsibility to your case even if you hire a lawyer. Your case is almost everything for you but not everything for your lawyer since you are just one of his clients. Good luck to your case.

goodman!2005-05-08 16:36:10
you are excellent! thanks
XXXXOOOO2005-05-08 23:39:27
回复:TO: XXXX0000, on NIW 补充材料!
XXXXOOOO2005-05-09 14:55:40
TO: Worthit, more help
WorthIt2005-05-09 16:55:21
回复:TO: Worthit, more help
XXXXOOOO2005-05-09 17:37:45
TO: Worthit, more help
WorthIt2005-05-09 20:25:03
回复:TO: Worthit, more help