bigbend2005-05-11 17:48:21
I applied TN extension in US this Feb and just got the I-129 approvel notice(my wife got TD I-530 approvel notice).now we plan to go to China for vacation.My question is: 1) Do I need to apply TN visa when we come back on the port? what kind of documents do I need to prepare? 2) My wife has Chinese passport.Does she need to apply for TD visa in consulate or not? somebody told us she just needs to show the approvel notice and marriage cert to the officer of the port?we don't know which one is right. Thanks for your answer
sdfsdfsdff2005-05-11 18:28:36
回复:travel with renewed TN/TD
bigbend2005-05-11 18:47:49
回复:回复:travel with renewed TN/TD
dashuai_202005-05-11 19:14:46
As I know, she could apply TD
bigbend2005-05-11 19:42:16
回复:As I know, she could apply TD
sdfsdfsdff2005-05-11 20:12:17
回复:回复:回复:travel with renewed TN/TD
bigbend2005-05-11 20:20:33
回复:回复:回复:回复:travel with renewed TN/TD
sdfsdfsdff2005-05-11 20:44:01
回复:回复:回复:回复:回复:travel with renewed TN/TD