worrysomuch2005-05-16 16:46:02
Does anyone know how I can adopt my brother's son from China (11 years old)? My brother has 2 sons and I have green card, no kids. anybody knows whether it's possible in my situation? Thanks.
Rosalinda2005-05-16 17:06:54
回复:help with adoption
没见过一家办成的2005-05-16 17:56:27
这着谁也想过,估计肯定不行. 我弟弟妹妹的孩还天天要我收养呢
worrysomuc2005-05-16 17:57:43
回复:回复:help with adoption
worrysomuc2005-05-16 17:59:26
回复:I am waiting to turn to 30
worrysomuc2005-05-16 18:02:08
有很多帖子..2005-05-16 19:04:24
sdfsdfsdff2005-05-16 22:39:09
回复:help with adoption