DOL Proposes to Eliminate Substitution and to Mandate Use of Certified Labor Certification Within 45 Days
On May 12, 2005, last Thursday, the DOL submitted to the White House OMB for its review a "proposed" regulation in order to remove the substitution of the alien beneficiary and to require filing of I-140 petition within 45 days of the certification of the ETA 750 or ETA 9089.
The Department of Labor is proposing changes reportedly to reduce the incentives and opportunities for fraud and abuse related to the permanent employment of aliens in the United States. Among other key changes, the Department is proposing to eliminate the current practice of allowing the substitution of alien beneficiaries on applications and approved labor certifications. DOL is proposing to further reduce the likelihood of the submission of fraudulent applications for the permanent employment of aliens in the United States by proposing a 45-day deadline for employers to file approved permanent labor certifications in support of a petition with the Department of Homeland Security. The proposed rule expressly prohibits the sale, barter, or purchase of permanent labor certifications or applications, as well as related payments. DOL will also propose enforcement mechanisms to protect program integrity, including debarment with appeal rights. These proposed amendments would apply to employers using both the Application for Alien Employment Certification (Form ETA 750) or the Application for Permanent Employment Certification (Form ETA 9089).
This is a proposed rule and it may take some time before it is made a final or interim rule. However, sometimes, agencies changed or revised during the process of the OMB reviews from the proposed regulation to interim regulation or vice versa.