tigexing2005-05-18 03:02:56
接到485批准通知,但无论如何无法预约上WASHINGTON DISTRICT OFFICE去给护照盖章,连续好几天了,白天晚上都试过,任何时候那个INFOPASS里的关于这两项目都是红色的,
You received an I-797 approval notice from the Service Center or an approval notice from the Washington District Office

Your employment authorization application was filed over 90 days.


At this time, there are no information appointments available for the office in your area. Please try back again later.

曾经去巴尔的摩移民局,但人家不受理非管辖区的案例。急于拿到STAMP后订回国机票,请问,在这个办公室预约有什么窍门吗?怎么才能得到这个APPOINTMENT? 多谢
7:00-8.30a2005-05-18 14:19:38