I received I-140 PRE, INS ask me to provide everything again. What can I do? Here is what they wrote:
Submitt additional evidence of major prizes or awards the applicant has received in his academic field. The prizes already received were significant but not the highest award that could be obtained. A review of evidence reflects that the applicant has followed a normal educational course of study and caree advancement. Submitt additional evidence of the applicant's international recognition in his field of study.
To establish that the alien is an outstanding professor or researcher you must submitt evidence that he/she is recognized internationally as outstanding in the specific area. Such evidence must consist of at least two the following:
Evidence that the professor or researcher is recognized as outstanding in the academic field must include documentation of at least two of the following:
Receipt of major prizes or awards for outstanding achievement;
Membership in associations that require their members to demonstrate outstanding achievements;
Published material in professional publications written by others about the alien's work in the academic field;
Participation, either on a panel or individually, as a judge of the work of others in the same or allied academic field;
Original scientific or scholarly research contributions in the field;
Authorship of scholarly books or articles (in scholarly journals with international circulation) in the field.
The mere submission of two or more of the above items may not establish eligibility for this classification. The evidence must clearly demonstrate that the alien is recognized internationally as outstanding.