Chinesecitation2005-05-27 15:36:06
I have 12 Chinese papers and have been cited nearly 100 times in Chinese journal. 3 papers have been cited more than 15 times for each. At the same time I have 6 US papers just published and I only found 2 citations. Experts and friends, please help me: How should I address the citation for NIW and OR? Many thanks for your kind input!!!!
aboutcita2005-05-27 16:07:18
No problem. If you have paper
Thanksfor2005-05-27 16:39:18
回复:No problem. If you have
Ijustlis2005-05-27 16:48:08
I just listed the
Thanks!!!!2005-05-27 16:52:12
回复:I just listed the
bestwishes2005-05-28 23:28:31
回复:HELP: Question about citations
bestwish012005-05-28 23:29:25
回复:HELP: Question about citations