PHDchemist2005-05-31 18:15:47
I am new to this immigration business. Please advise.

My background:
BS,MS in China, PHD in USA, all in chemistry.
Postdoc 1 year in US,
Scientist less than 1 year in US industry.

3 english journal paper (1st author for 2 of them)
3 chinese journal paper
no much citation

6 conference presentation with abstract published.

Can get good reference letter from a senior scientist of a national lab.
And of course, letters from professors and collegues.
tryothers2005-05-31 18:54:05
Not OR
PHDchemist2005-06-01 00:43:53
Dude, are you kidding me?
forfun2005-06-01 01:51:39
not enough for OR
PHDchemist2005-06-01 02:52:29
I DO have a permanent job.