worriedH1Btransfer2005-06-15 17:54:20
My new employer has already submitted my H1B transfer application and got the receipt. They asked me to choose whether to work without getting the final approval or wait until the final approval comes back. My question is what's the chance that the final approval for the H1B transfer will be rejected. Anyone with the experience? Thank you very much!
tyty6642005-06-15 18:43:56
Usually no problem
jjjjjj2005-06-15 21:50:08
回复:H1b Transfer question: help!
WorriedH1B2005-06-16 14:21:53
回复:Usually no problem
WorriedH1B2005-06-16 14:23:30
回复:回复:H1b Transfer question: help!