I140petion2003-12-04 01:30:00
Dear all: I am writing a resume to be submitted together with my I140 application. What should I write? I am considering the following:
(1) My contact info
(2) summary of my achievment
(3) Details my experience:lots of projects I did: Importance. Controbution, Impact...
(4) Education
(5) Membership
(6) Awards
(7) Publications

Could you guys please give me some idea? Millions of thanks.

wanshitong2003-12-04 02:23:00
回复:What to write in CV for I140?
I140petion2003-12-04 02:40:00
Xnks,u're really a wanshitong
wanshitong2003-12-04 18:54:00