还能撑一阵子!2005-06-25 04:08:13
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最新消息: h1b使用情况
文章来源: 前面贴错了! 于 2005-06-24 16:21:48

看来有美国硕士学位的, 今后几个月不用太担心H1B名额的事, 但能不能坚持到十月份还很难说

H-1B Cap Number Usage for FY 2005 and FY 2006

http://www.my job story.com 职场春秋

6/24/2005: According to the USCIS, as of now, the following H-1B cap numbers h
ave been either received or approved:
FY 2005 U.S. Master Degree Cap: 8,300 (out of 20,000)
FY 2006 U.S. Master Degree Cap: 5,500 (out of 20,000)
FY 2006 Regular non U.S. Degre H-1B Cap Cases: 27,300 (out of 65,000)


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