howiewang2005-06-28 03:36:24
My current H1 will expire in Feb, 28, 2006. But my contract expire 16th, July.
I got an offer and still wait for others. (All from University) I need to accept the offer and begin new H1 application immediately or I can wait a few days more.
To legally stay in States, I need to file H1 application before 16th, july or get the receipt before 16th, July?
I also can file a F2 if there is a potential gap. Is it a good idea?
时间无多。。2005-06-28 05:24:56
howiewang2005-06-28 06:17:46
Is there any potential problem
西北人2005-06-28 13:16:53
bluebirds2005-06-28 13:48:16
回复:回复:h1->h1- still worried
西北人2005-06-28 17:18:10
回复:回复:回复:h1->h1- still worried
bluebirds2005-06-28 17:44:03