歌词里记录手牵手,在夜晚一起走 让我想起我的妈妈。记得和妈妈在冬天傍晚一同走在街上,
我们俩的心和手却异常的温暖。那滋味让我不时回味。她言传身教让我明白与人为善(用心爱,怀抱开放的心)的道理. 感谢妈妈的培育让我像小鸟一样学会基本功飞起来。
谢谢你妈妈, 为你骄傲!
Proud of You
原唱 Fiona Fung
Love in your eyes, sitting silent by my side
Going on, holding hands, walking through the nights
Hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind
I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine, till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Stars in the sky, wishing once upon a time
Give me love, make me smile till the end of life
Hold me up, hold me tight, lift me up to touch the sky
Teaching me to love with heart, helping me open my mind
I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly, I'm proud that I can fly
To give the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Can't you believe that you light up my way
No matter how dark is my path, I'll never lose my faith
See me fly, I'm proud to fly up high
Show you the best of mine till the end of the time
Believe me I can fly, I'm singing in the sky
Show you the best of mine, the heaven in the sky
Nothing can stop me
Spread my wings... so wide
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Anders Lee / Kwong Wing Chan
Flying bird gif from https://makeagif.com/gif/bird-flying-1-8OxZMr