逗儿2022-05-06 08:51:56


还记得Spicy Girl 嘛?当年5个青春活力的少女横扫世界,顺理成章成了她们的小迷妹,当年少女现如今也是身为人母。

感叹时光荏苒,岁月如梭,2年没有见到妈妈了,想念她,I Love U


She used to be my only enemy and never let me free
Catching me in places that I knew I shouldn't be
Every other day, I crossed the line
I didn't mean to be so bad
I never thought you would become the friend I never had
Back then, I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
You're my friend
I didn't want to hear it then, but I'm not ashamed to say it now
Every little thing you said and did was right for me
I had a lot of time to think about
About the way I used to be
Never had a sense of my responsibility
Back then, I didn't know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All that you did was love
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
You're my friend
You're my friend
But now, I'm sure I know why
Why you were misunderstood
So now, I see through your eyes
All I can give you is love
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
You're my friend
You're my friend
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed
Mama, I love you, Mama, I care
Mama, I love you, Mama, my friend
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed
And loving you and loving me
And love that's true and guaranteed

pandashifu2022-05-06 08:52:48
逗沙发!-- 唱得太好听了,喜欢!记得孩子小时候听这个。
才歌2022-05-06 08:54:18
唐歌2022-05-06 09:02:09
逗儿2022-05-06 09:09:00
是滴,副歌以及后面loving me loving u love is true...我也配上了和声:)
唐歌2022-05-06 09:11:07
风过之无痕2022-05-06 09:52:29
才歌2022-05-06 09:53:03
树烨子2022-05-06 10:22:17
逗儿 的歌声青春灵动,节奏掌控得也很好,太好听了!
无问东西2022-05-06 10:29:26
yeyang2022-05-06 11:10:52
逗儿2022-05-06 11:32:52
老乔治2022-05-06 11:41:49
黄莺2022-05-06 12:53:03
逗儿好年轻, 好时尚。也是个SPICY GIRL。
风华2022-05-06 12:58:23
玩票2022-05-06 13:15:56
后海香山2022-05-06 13:27:00
配上和声真好听!逗儿的音色本来就是很润的, 加上和声就更加的有层次,更加的有有质感。特别好,特别喜欢!
茱丽家的娅娅2022-05-06 13:47:23
艾茶2022-05-06 14:03:52
moiausis2022-05-06 14:22:10
歌词和旋律都好喜欢,MomI love you, mom my friend 真棒!!
Ha654942022-05-06 16:18:36
微雨如酥2022-05-06 17:06:37
ToClouds2022-05-06 19:56:26
-疏桐儿-2022-05-06 21:00:29
We love you, Mama, we care; Yeah, we love your performance,
LABoys2022-05-06 21:42:06
石头_Stone2022-05-07 17:07:49
节奏轻松明快, 活力四射! 很好听又很富有亲情味的一首歌! 视频也好看!
鹿林2022-05-07 20:54:13
Maddux2022-05-08 14:17:07