美空军发言人霍奇(Lori Hodge)中校表示,一架美军WC-135"不死凤凰"(Constant Phoenix)侦察机在东海上的国际领空执行例行任务时,被中方两架苏-30喷气战斗机拦截。她称,美侦察机的行动是符合国际法的,任务是探测地面是否有核活动。
MAY 19, 2017
[ Air Force spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Lori Hodge declined to say whether Wednesday's incident was within the self-declared Chinese zone.
"U.S. military aircraft routinely transit international airspace throughout the Pacific, including the East China Sea," she said. "This flight was no exception." ]
[ Hodge said the US description of the incident as “unprofessional” was based on initial reports from the aircrew “due to the manoeuvres by the Chinese pilot, as well as the speeds and proximity of both aircraft”.
“Distances always have a bearing on how we characterise interactions,” she said. ]
TARGET: A Boeing WC-135 Constant Phoenix aircraft (Wikipedia)