互联网2017-05-25 13:21:42


May 24 (UPI) -- North Korea official: We can hit China with nuclear-tipped missile

Comments come as North Korea continues missile tests despite increasing pressure


The statement is an unusual expression of overt hostility from Pyongyang toward its most important economic partner.


Multiple sources in North Korea's Yanggang Province told Radio Free Asia the statement was made on Saturday during a lecture, before an audience of state "subcontractors," at the meeting room of the Yanggang Provincial Party Committee.


"The recently developed and successfully launched new missile Hwasong-12 could definitely be equipped with nuclear weapons and hit all targets in China," one of RFA's sources said, quoting a statement from the lecturer at the meeting.






atrium2017-05-25 13:29:45
太过分! 再令老习难堪! 老习能忍到几时......?
Giantfan2017-05-25 13:50:30
The 4th source refused to comment as Radio Free Asia is banned
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