austraveller2017-05-26 08:01:37

Trump has a four-point diplomatic plan for dealing with North Korea that DOES NOT include a military option or a plan to remove Kim Jong-un from power'

  • South Korean lawmaker says politicians had meeting with top US official in Seoul
  • Joseph Yun, the State Department's Korea representative, told politicians that Trump administration has okayed 'four-point plan' for North Korea
  • The plan is limited to using diplomatic pressures and does not mention military option, according to Korean sources 
  • Earlier this week, it was learned that Trump referred to North Korean ruler Kim Jong-Un as 'a madman with nuclear weapons' 

By Ariel Zilber For

Published: 15:36 +10:00, 26 May 2017 Updated: 15:46 +10:00, 26 May 2017

President Donald Trump has a four-point policy plan in place for dealing with North Korea that does not include a military option, a South Korean lawmaker is quoted as saying Thursday.

South Korean politicians Thursday met with Joseph Yun, the US State Department official responsible for policy on North Korea.

Yun briefed lawmakers on the Trump administration's approach toward Pyongyang, according to the Korean news agency Yonhap.

He told lawmakers that Trump signed a comprehensive State Department policy report that called for exerting 'every possible pressure' diplomatically on Pyongyang.

The report calls for four main strategies - not recognizing North Korea as a nuclear state, imposing every possible sanction and pressure, not seeking a regime change and resolving the problem with dialogue in the end.

President Donald Trump (seen above giving a speech in Brussels on Thursday) has a four-point policy plan in place for dealing with North Korea that does not include a military option, a South Korean lawmaker is quoted as saying Thursday
有言2017-05-26 10:08:19
朝鲜缓核爆 美帝虚晃枪。一老一少听话,好!-:)
atrium2017-05-26 22:01:27