Vaillan2017-10-07 21:04:57



1. 这条路在哪里:

问题是路停修了没有?由路停修引起双方后续的动作和后果。中国在洞朗地区加强了军事建设。印度的国防部长Nirmala Sitharaman视察了跟洞朗临近的边界地区。


18th June, 2017     - Doklam scuffle starts

25th June, 2017     - Indian PM Modi visits USA where he signs deals for
                                 purchase of drones.

4th July, 2017       - Prime Minister Modi visits Israel – first ever official visit
                                 by an Indian Prime Minister to the Jewish State of Israel.
                                 During the trip Modi signs deals for purchase of military
                                 hardware running into billions over many years – deals that
                                 USA is reluctant to make with India directly, for fear of
                                 repercussions from China to whom USA owes trillions.

10th July, 2017     - the tri-nation Malabar Naval Exercise in the Bay of Bengal
                                 begins, in an obvious demonstration of US’s pivot towards
                                 India and a new found camaraderie between the three
                                 nation states of India, Japan and the US.


3.在洞朗阻止中国修路, 是不是投石问路?因为中巴经济走廊也有路的问题。

4.为不丹出头: 这是印度设计的重头戏。今年8月份,中不应该有的边界谈判,泡汤了。不丹从头到尾,只有两份声明。你要看,可以提供。自己品味。


青松站2017-10-08 00:22:17
Beatusa2017-10-08 00:57:56
Beatusa2017-10-08 00:57:56