of history. Nobody can block it. In whatever manner, this process should not last longer than one day when started. Those who seek to separate Taiwan from the Mainland shall be punished and condemned by all people in China including the Mainland and Taiwan and by these people with China heritages all over the world.
Those that wish the foreign forces or powers would help their declaration of Taiwan independance shall be disappointed because everyone knows that Taiwan is a part of China represented by the People's Republic of China (PRC) and there is one China in the world. There is a very slim chance for those foreign forces to stand fighting the China Army without a rational behind, because everyone knows Justice shall win that stand with people in China.
The US government and Japanese government have acknowledged that there is one China in the world, that is the PRC. There is No doubt that the US President Donald Trump would continue adopting 'one China policy'; so does the Japanese Prime Minister Abe. Under such a circumtance, the district leader of Taiwan whoever is would not dare to violate this common ground. Otherwise, reunification shall be fast than ever.