SDUSA2018-09-08 17:55:23

China hopes to have its next-generation Xian WS-15 afterburning turbofan ready for mass production for its new Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter, however problems remain for Beijing’s new engine. Once all of the defects have been corrected and the engine enters service with frontline J-20 squadrons, the new motor should significantly boost the performance of the Chinese stealth aircraft.

SDUSA2018-09-08 19:42:01
Everyone will be "fatal" in the future including you and me, no
铁肩202018-09-08 20:04:41
铁肩202018-09-08 20:53:41
嗨嗨, GOU咬吕洞宾:)
thrawn2018-09-09 00:08:22
(That Might Soon Be Fixed)
SDUSA2018-09-09 01:15:30