xsing2020-01-01 11:36:51

F-16 is a proven platform. The performance could be verified by the third party, as F-16 exported to many oversea customers, Gripen also has its buyers.

F-2 is a licensed variant of F-16 with some improvements, or it’s considered as F-16 customized by Japan.

J-10 is a non proven design, no oversea buyers, the Lavi design which they told that J-10 based on, isn’t the non proven design as well.

So who can compare those ?

xsing2020-01-01 11:40:10
xsing2020-01-01 11:41:18
xsing2020-01-01 11:42:58
我看了一下,这里应该不用with, 呵呵
xsing2020-01-01 11:49:12
墙外没人在乎这个, 结果等比了再说。
bluesky2312020-01-01 11:55:23
who can compare J-10 with those (F-16 and F-2)
bluesky2312020-01-01 12:05:46
欲千北2020-01-01 12:38:52
这一句 “the Lavi design ... isn’t the non proven design as well." 似
松涛孤雁2020-01-01 13:14:29
xsing2020-01-01 13:52:27
作者的意思是, Lavi都不是, 何况10
xsing2020-01-01 13:57:07
太中国了, 呵呵
telljoke2020-01-01 14:58:27
Lavi 后面那个they指代不明吧
thrawn2020-01-01 19:46:42
thrawn2020-01-01 19:50:35
虽然知道作者的意思但其英文都乱写把is a写成isn't the
thrawn2020-01-01 19:53:33
欲千北2020-01-01 22:27:29
BeyondWind2020-01-01 23:28:47
I don’t know nothing about this
吃素的狼2020-01-02 00:20:25