青松站2021-03-31 02:41:51
For Eu to start it,and USA to follow, nothing could be more l
青松站2021-03-31 02:57:24
ostracism is a thing of the past.no one will
青松站2021-03-31 03:05:35
To Exclude China, ostriches, bunch of them..
neutrality2021-03-31 03:12:48
There was no PC in France ...
青松站2021-03-31 03:14:54
Thank you bro,, so true,,absolutely agree w/you..-:))..
青松站2021-03-31 03:17:51
Being Practical -:))-,So true, -:^tks, -:))..
青松站2021-03-31 03:22:55
The absurdity in the War of the Cottons..-:))..
青松站2021-03-31 03:29:43
The Furure of France ,French Politics..-:))..
星辰大海5412021-03-31 09:37:45
double standard always is applied by western countries
青松站2021-03-31 13:07:18
Can't agree more,yes-:))..
青松站2021-03-31 15:26:19
It's 2008 all over again..