普京的mental meltdown用最直白的语言告诉世人,所谓的乌克兰危机根本无关乌克兰亦或北约东扩,这一切其实是俄罗斯的危机,更准确的说是普京的危机。说明他虽然沉浸于19世纪俄帝国主义的荣光,对20世纪苏联的解体仍愤愤不平、念念不忘,也清楚地知道时间不在他那边,所以才不惜一战活像一个军事赌徒。但逆时代之潮流,历史会对他友善吗?
— U.S. Embassy Kyiv (@USEmbassyKyiv) February 22, 2022
Putin, 2005: “the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. As for the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.”
— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) February 21, 2022
Putin is holding speech on Russian TV. Calls Ukraine once again "Soviet Ukraine created by Lenin". Sarcastically says he will "de-communize Ukraine for real" obviously meaning annexing territories of Ukraine, "given by Lenin", as he wrote in his article last year. /1
— Sergej Sumlenny (@sumlenny) February 21, 2022
#Putin making his admiration & nostalgia for the #Soviet empire palpably clear right now.
— Charles Lister (@Charles_Lister) February 21, 2022
- “Do you [#Ukraine] want decommunization? Well, we're ready to show you what decommunization really is."
Huge, historic & deeply dangerous moment for #Europe & global security. pic.twitter.com/LHauQA9RQN
Says it was a mistake to grant rights to exit USSR for republics pic.twitter.com/lOG5KpCGWH
— Liveuamap (@Liveuamap) February 21, 2022
Putin basically says Ukraine shouldn’t exist. “A steady statehood didn’t occur.” Almost the same words that Stalin said about Poland in 1939.
— Yaroslav Trofimov (@yarotrof) February 21, 2022
Putin is now making unhinged claims about a potential Ukrainian nuclear arsenal. Really striking that all this rant has been about Ukraine's lack of legitimacy and the threat it supposedly poses as a whole. It's not about Luhansk or Donetsk.
— Julian Borger (@julianborger) February 21, 2022
WTH is this? Putin humiliating publicly the chief of SVR, who literally lost his speaking faculties in fear. This is something out of @SachaBaronCohen's The Dictator. pic.twitter.com/LZygwqXbcG
— Christo Grozev (@christogrozev) February 21, 2022
Putin is running this Security Council meeting like a Netflix drama. Starts by saying basically we're all going to decide the fate of Ukraine today, then lots of plot filling from the others before we get the answer.
— Shaun Walker (@shaunwalker7) February 21, 2022
Extraordinary way to find out the future fate of Europe. pic.twitter.com/Q1IDSWJnQi
Listening to Putin’s rant makes absolutely plain that his problem was never with NATO or possible membership of . It was always about the collapse of the USSR and the independence of Ukraine.
— Ivo Daalder (@IvoHDaalder) February 21, 2022
This is Putin not simply declaring war on Ukraine but openly declaring a New Cold War with the West.
— Max Bergmann (@maxbergmann) February 21, 2022
The ruler in the Kremlin has denied Ukraine's independence and sent troops to Donetsk and Luhansk. If Europe lets him get away with this, a major war is inevitable, writes Frank Hofmann.
— Ved Nayak (@catcheronthesly) February 22, 2022
Opinion: Putin's declaration of war *****2XWdptWcIP
作者 Frank Hofmann
这位克里姆林宫的统治者对乌克兰国家主权不屑一顾,派兵进入顿涅茨克和卢甘斯克。德国之声记者Frank Hofmann认为,若欧洲让普京得逞,一场大战将不可避免。
此刻,曾派驻德累斯顿的这位即将 70岁的前特工,坐在一张深棕色办公桌前,一边举起双手比划出引号,一边愤愤说道:“感恩的后裔们,在乌克兰拆毁列宁纪念碑。他们称之为去共产化。”
须知,随着2014年亲欧“独立广场革命” 的发生,无论是乌克兰民族主义者还是民权人士和艺术家,均以“去共产化”一词形容他们的“走向欧洲”之路。而后者曾就相关偶像冲击行为有过批评性争议。
在基辅和乌克兰的许多其它城市所发生的正是柏林墙倒塌后前东德城市所发生的事情:拆除列宁纪念碑—— 作为奋起的标志。其后,围绕相关做法有过严肃争论。也就是说,它是开放社会的一个过程,发生在后苏联国家——乌克兰。
2004 年“橙色革命”后,乌克兰行进之路充满挫折。 2013 年,作为对亲俄的亚努科维奇( Janukowitsch )政府拒加入欧盟谈判协议的反应,基辅的“独立广场” 上开始了抗议活动。他是第二个被乌克兰人赶下台的后苏联时代统治者。