“Turn on”就不同了,可能是Project的结果,但更可能是既兴而为。兴之所至,来如风雨挟雷电,去如春梦了无痕;可以随时随地,不拘42式;可以随配合菜,丰俭由人。。。这叫啥?
英文里倒是有个Casual Sex(见下面解释),但好象完全没有“休闲”的意思。如果正本清源,该词是被严重歪曲和忽略了。:DDDDDDD
Casual sex refers to certain types of sexual activity outside the context of a romantic relationship. The term is not always used consistently: some use it to refer to any extramarital sex, some use it to refer to sex in a casual relationship, whereas others reserve its use for one-time encounters, promiscuity, or to refer to sex in the absence of emotional attachment or love.