zhang3feng2010-08-31 02:05:01
背后伤人 stab someone in the back
花很多钱 splurge on
得意洋洋 on one's high horse
非常真诚 be on the up and up
渡过难关 tide over
趁热打铁 stike when the iron is hot
同时做太多事情 spread someone too thin; have too many irons in the fire
循规蹈矩 toe the line
一触即发 touch and go
表示反感 take exception to
同甘共苦 through thick and thin
搅局 throw the monkey wrench into something
夹着尾巴逃跑了 run with one's tail between one's legs
受到鼓舞 take heart
拿人撒气 take it out on someone
失去理智 take leave of one's senses
逆来顺受 take something lying down
严厉惩罚 tar and feather
来自当事人的话 straight from the horse's mouth
有话直说 stand up and be counted
试一试 take a crack at
衡量评估 take stock of something
半信半疑 take something with a grain of salt
不放在心上 take something by stride
引人注目 stand out
半斤八两 six of one and half-a-dozen of another
惹恼别人 rub someone the wrong way
干净整齐 spic and span
怪人 oddball
刺探别人的事 have one's nose in something
说曹操曹操到 speak of the devil
小人物 small fry
惹祸 stir up the hornet's nest
独立自主 stand on one's two feet
泄露秘密 spill the beans
感到可疑 smell a rat

  • 一些汉语常用语的英文说法 12
  • 一些汉语常用语的英文说法 11
  • 一些汉语常用语的英文说法 10
  • 一些汉语常用语的英文说法 9
  • 一些汉语常用语的英文说法 8
  • 笑比哭好2010-08-31 12:49:38
    三丰子2010-08-31 14:26:48
    笑比哭好2010-08-31 14:49:02
    千帆舞2010-08-31 15:04:55
    三丰子2010-08-31 15:08:51
    哈哈,你呀你 :-DDD
    三丰子2010-08-31 15:09:19
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