一到露营基地,我们放下行李安营扎寨。女儿的眼睛一下子瞪大了,睡袋、睡垫、小枕头,那么一大堆好材料,她在卧室建造攻不破城堡(impenetrable fort)时怎么没有想到呢?一懊恼,一跺脚,转身找小朋友们玩去了。
“Are you sure you want a honeymallow instead of an ordinary marshmallow?”
“Of course! We can make honeymallow houses!”
“Too bad we don’t have any graham crackers for a gingerbread house.”
孩子们从一个帐篷闹到另一个帐篷,讨论着Harry Potter,The Hunger Games,Percy Jackson, 和 Heroes of Olympus,那是他们的文学,当然还包括平板电脑,那是他们的文化。
Hermione Ma is a budding young author. She is a fifth grade student at Regnart Elementary School in Cupertino, California. She published her first book, The Missing Mau, at age 8.
The Crazy College and The Revolving Resort are two sequels, but can be read independently. Her new work is The Gingerbread Museum of Candy, Omelets, Spinach, Ice, and Biscuits.
Her passions are reading, writing, drawing, and exploring. Her hobbies include ballet, playing piano, reading newspaper comics, and trying to create an impenetrable fort in her bedroom. Besides writing in English, Hermione has also contributed articles for Chinese newspapers.
Hermione writes about her worlds from a kid's point of view. Her observations are often funny, irreverent, and full of imagination. Her works are a joy to stimulate a young child's love of reading.
注意到了吗?The Impenetrable Fort!哈哈,孩子,永远保持着旺盛的精力,永远尝试着你不让做的事情,永远用好奇的眼睛看着世界。