有人说Dr. Di Maio认为开枪距离是 2-4 inches。用实证的观点审视,主张开枪距离是多少不重要,重要的是这个距离是根据什么科学事实确定的。马丁尸体解剖医师 Dr. Bao 作证,认为是中距离射击( intermediary range shooting ),这个range是 0.4 inch 到 4 feet。射击距离是可以得到科学证明的。子弹入口的损伤直径,子弹打入的深度,受害人衣服上火药残留的分布情况,以射击距离有良好的对应关系。Dr. Bao 确定射击距离的依据是把马丁尸检证据与文献记载(book)相对照。从 0.4 inch 到 4 feet,120倍的差距,这样的理论数据对案情的判断可以说基本没有指导意义。只有在同样的气象条件下,用同样的枪和子弹实际重现马丁尸体枪伤,测定射击距离,才能最大限度上真实还原案发现场。
Here are Zimmerman’s lab findings:
1. Shirt stain analysis. 16 stains analyzed, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P.
Fourteen stains gave chemical indication for the presence of blood: A, B, C, D, E, F, I, J, K, L, M, N, O and P. The DNA profiles for all sixteen stains matches the DNA profile from George Zimmerman.
Two stains failed to give indication for the presence of blood: G and H.
2. Jacket stain analysis. 31 stains analyzed: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N , O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, AA. BB, CC, DD and EE.
17 stains gave chemical indication for blood.
14 stains failed to indicate presence of blood.
9 stains (A, B, C, J, K, L, M, O and P) matches DNA profiles from Zimmerman.
Stain E: showed mixed DNA profile from at least two individuals. Zimmerman’s DNA profile matched but Trayvon cannot be determined.
Stain G: is not interpretable.
Stain I: showed mixed DNA profiles. Zimmerman’s DNA profiled matched but Trayvon’s was excluded.
Stain N: showed mixed DNA profiles. Both Zimmerman and Trayvon matched.
Stain U: showed mixed DNA profiles. DNA profiles for major and minor contributors cannot be determined. Trayvon is included as possible. No determination can be made of Zimmerman’s contribution.
Stain V: showed mixed DNA profiles. Due to limited DNA results -- insufficient for inclusion purposes. No determination can be made regarding Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Stain Z: showed possible non-human DNA.
Stain BB: showed mixed. DNA profiles for major and minor contribution cannot be determined. Zimmerman is included as possibility. No determination for Trayvon.