读下面的文章,令我想起中国历史。老皇帝选太子要心地善良, 又要拿大主意。該有大悲悯, 該心狠手辣,端看何事,何人,何地?拿捏得准,一要天才 ,二要志大, 三要智慧。像薄希來,打斷父親兩根勒骨,心狠手辣 -
"shamrock1002015-09-26 09:58:15 - 真正德政治家需要有大悲悯,看到苍生万民的需要, 在处理身边事上却往往要心狠手辣, 不能有妇人之仁。比如唐太宗武则天都是是很好的政治家,他们都杀过亲人, 但为万民带来和平和繁荣。"
Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama, grass-rooted presidents, all got passion to help poor, with kindness and enthusiasm. You don't want power-grabbed maniac in the power house - they can do much evil beyond your imagination. What can you do?
Vote - that's how you involve - that's your responsibility!
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