ProfessorU2005-06-05 08:21:19

    TURNING - by Chyi-yu

      Tell me you love me
      Tell me that you're mine again
      Tell me you won't turn away
      Turn like the seasons
      Turn back to me once again
      Circling all the way

      Once you were my blue eyed prince Waking love from an endless sleep You made all of my wishes come true Turning all of my dreams into you

      Turning and swirling and whirling 'round you again Twirling and curling 'round you Turning and burning and yearning for you again All my life with you

      But lately I'm losing sleep Someone else is in your eyes Won't you turn back to me my love Won't you stop telling me lies

      It is a chance, a romance It's a dance we do

      Turning in circles we go Turn like the seasons Turn back to me once again Never let me go

    秋天,童话,孩子2005-06-05 11:49:58
    回复:很好听的一首歌: TURNING - by Chyi-yu
    氷点2005-06-05 14:21:36
    很喜欢2005-06-05 14:56:28
    ProfessorU2005-06-05 19:01:42
    Here it is...
    白鹭飞2005-06-05 19:30:53
    清醇柔婉的旋律,帖也PL, 很喜欢 :-)
    eclipse2005-06-05 22:42:43
    邵俊可2005-06-05 23:16:51
    ProfessorU2005-06-06 01:56:43
    落花娴情2005-06-06 03:58:06
    呵呵 你也会用这么温馨的颜色啊,好玩,周末愉快哦
    春天的童话2005-06-08 00:08:22
    narcissusw2005-06-08 20:08:35