小女妖2005-10-30 01:02:00


假如按照10分制,我给the arcade fire的音乐打上9.5分的话,wolf parade今年的这张<< apologies to the queen mary>>我是会打上9分的。评判一个乐队是否符合自己的口味无非是将其与自己喜欢的类似风格的乐队进行比较,wolf parade在很多方面跟the arcade fire都是有相似之处的,无论是精巧的曲目编排还是耐人寻味的歌词,甚至主唱的演唱风格在某种程度上都是如出一辙。事实上,wolf parade2003年在蒙特利尔组建了之后,他们的第一场演出就是给the
arcade fire做的暖场。在那之后,Modest Mouse把他们带到了Sub Pop,发行了一张EP,再然后,就到了这张<< apologies to the queen mary >>。

试听的是专集里的<>, 这个世界被人描述得太多了--从事各种行业的人--用各种不同的方式,喜欢的是因为它物质得很纯粹,不喜欢的是因为它纯粹得过了头,对于它我们大可以写出一堆堆的长篇大论喋喋不休地数落个没完,而wolf parade仅仅是用了一首 2分52秒的歌就说完了我要说的话。听听吧.会有同感的。


I'm not in love with the modern world
I'm not in love with the modern world
I was a torch driving the savages back to the trees
Modern world has more ways
And I don't mention it since it's changed
While the people go out and the people come home again
It's gotta last to build up your eyes
And a lifetime of red skies
And from my bed saying your haunted hissing in my bed
Modern world don't ask why
Cause modern world build things high
Now they house canyons filled with life
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down
Modern world i'm not pleased to meet you
You just bring me down