Let It Snow
Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful,
And since we've no place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
It doesn't show signs of Pauseping, And I've bought some corn for popping, The lights are turned way down low, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow!
When we finally kiss goodnight, How I'll hate going out in the storm! But if you'll really hold me tight, All the way home I'll be warm.
The fire is slowly dying, And, my dear, we're still good-bying, But as long as you love me so, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! | Let It Snow 作于1945年,曲作者为Jule Styne,词作者是Sammy Cahn,是首经典的圣诞歌曲,多年来被广为传唱.曲子充满四十年代流行的爵士音乐典型的轻松浪漫的情调,作词则朴素无华,整首歌带有浓郁的圣诞节特有的温馨和睦的气息.我本人最喜欢老牌歌星Andy Williams的演唱版本,印象里他唱的这首歌最为经典,电影电视里也常听到.Kenny G的萨克斯独奏,是萨克斯与爵士音乐天衣无缝的融合.六七十年代红透半边天的The Temptations的演绎也非常动人.女声如Debbie Reynolds的演唱也别有风味. Michael Franks的版本很新派,配乐上钢琴和吉它,让人侧"耳"...每个版本都各具特色.线上放的是Andy Williams的演唱.连接较快,可以直接点击收听.但建议下载后收听,以免万一因网络busy造成"塞车".再祝圣诞快乐!Happy holidays!
碧雨幽兰 12.24.2003 |