一字字道:萧十一郎!2005-12-14 16:43:29
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演唱歌手:Soundtrack 专辑名称:King Kong 金刚 2005 专辑语言:English 专辑流派:Soundtrack 发行公司:Decca 出版年月:2005年12月13日 专辑介绍: Known for his robust orchestral scores laced with lush sounds, James Newton Howard's compelling music for King Kong is a treasure destined to become another classic in his rich catalogue. Tracks such as "A Fateful Meeting" and "Defeat Is Always Momentary" take the listener on an urgent voyage to an undiscovered land, while "It's Deserted" and "Beautiful" evoke the lyrical beauty of the landscape created by Jackson and inhabited by the films memorable characters. Howard perfectly compliments the feeling of suspense, love and compassion the film so powerfully conveys. James Newton Howard is one of Hollywood's most versatile and prolific composers, with more than 90 films to his credit. He has received six Oscar nominations, two Golden Globe nominations and one Grammy nomination. In addition, he has won 28 ASCAP Awards for film and television shows scored from 1994 to 2005. His credits include films as diverse as The Sixth Sense, Signs, The Fugitive, Pretty Woman, The Prince of Tides, Grand Canyon, Dave, Primal Fear, Glengarry Glen Ross, The Devil's Advocate, and Dinosaur. Howard's more recent projects include Batman Begins; The Interpreter; The Ring 2; Miss Congeniality 2; Collateral; The Village, for which he received his sixth Oscar nomination for Best Original Score; Hidalgo; and the live-action Peter Pan. 导演:彼得·杰克逊Peter Jackson 主演:娜奥米·沃茨Naomi Watts    杰克·布莱克Jack Black    亚德里安·布罗蒂Adrien Brody    杰米·贝尔Jamie Bell 作曲:詹姆斯·纽顿·霍华德James Newton Howard   第一次世界大战的欧洲战场。“关键时刻”参战的美国空军在法国 的上空正忙着与德国人周旋。在这场空战中让观众认识了才华横溢的美 国飞行员杰克。时间瞬息转到十五年后,早已在空军退役的杰克已经来 到了位于东南亚的苏门达腊到打工。   一支来自英国的考古队在队长罗德的带领下已经来到这片神奇的热 带丛林很久了,队中还包括队长的千金,美丽的安。南太平洋阴郁、神 秘的岛屿地貌和茂密森林同样吸引着这位性感的金发女郎。   来自美国本土电影之都好莱坞的导演卡尔·丹姆带着他的摄制组也 不远万里、漂洋过海地来到这里寻找着他新片的灵感和最佳拍摄地。   然而,就是这三方看起来毫不相乾的人们逐渐地被这荒蛮之地吸引 到了一起。当这些人“团结”到一起组成全新的拍摄考察队伍,美丽的 安成为卡尔导演最新的女一号的同时,在一座全新的岛屿上,这个似乎 预谋已久的传奇故事便慢慢拉开了无法再次还原的序幕。数十米高的巨 型黑猩猩、凶残的史前恐龙、无人踏及的原始森林、虔诚愚昧的土着人 ……都令这队来自文明世界的现代人始料不及。但利欲熏心的导演发现 并导演了一场惊世骇俗的“人猩恋”。将美女安以土着人独特的“艺术 形式”许配给了那个叫“刚”的大黑猩猩。然而,这一荒诞的行为却早 就了一场惊心动魄的“人猩大战”……   被贪婪的人类使尽招数带到“文明”当道的国际都市的金刚无辜地 成了人们的玩物。而当它看到“心上人”安遭受其他无耻人们的“侮辱 ”时,愤怒的大猩猩疯狂地挣脱人类的禁锢,带着自己心爱的女人冲上 了象征人类文明的摩天建筑--帝国大厦,与人类的战机展开了一场血腥 的肉搏战……   夺回自己的自由、捍卫自己的爱情……   专辑曲目: 1. King Kong 2. A Fateful Meeting 3. Defeat Is Always Momentary 4. It's In The Subtext 5. Two Grand 6. The Venture Departs 7. Last Blank Space On The Map 8. It's Deserted 9. Something Monstrous... Neither Beast Nor Man 10. Head Towards The Animals 11. Beautiful 12. Tooth And Claw 13. That's All There Is... 14. Captured 15. Central Park 16. The Empire State Building 17. Beauty Killed The Beast I 18. Beauty Killed The Beast II 19. Beauty Killed The Beast III 20. Beauty Killed The Beast IV 21. Beauty Killed The Beast V http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YP2PVJ6L等待45秒可看到下载地址 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YP2PVJ6L
一字字道:萧十一郎!2005-12-14 16:55:06