小小美人鱼2005-12-17 14:13:04
Christmas in Jamaica –by Toni Braxton ft. Shaggy 一直在音乐快递里潜水,偶尔冒个气泡,很喜欢这里。Christmas就要来临了,我这里既没有漫天飞舞的雪花,也没有鼻子通红的雪人,只有和大家一样的浓浓的想家之情。佳节是应该开开心心的过,不是吗? (擤了擤鼻子),太冷了,噢,我是说空调太冷了,18度,太怀念冰天雪地了,也许Jamaica的Christmas是和我这里一样的,赫赫,别羡慕我了,让我们一起趁佳节好好的休息,好好的狂欢,好好的在心里狠狠的说他几万遍 ” 我很爱我的家人,愿他们都快快乐乐的!”

Chorus We ll be having having fun Under the golden sun, Christmas in Jamaica, here we come, we just sail on, just sail.. Lovers frolicking Playing in the sand. Got my Coppertone Getting on my tan Exotic setting for a lady and her man A Perfect little holiday Sounds like a plan We can stay in bed all afternoon We can make out to some Cool Reggae tunes We can sail under the light of the moon Wish we could freeze this moment Then it wouldn’t end so soon… Chorus Unplug the phones Don’t need no calls No calling home Take a break from it all… Cause we both grown And we can do whatever,see Baby, it’s just you and me Let’s live out a fantasy Hiking in the mountains Romantic rendezvous Bathing in the fountains Stop-let me look at you.. Just in case you ‘re doubting Let me paint a view Picture you are in heaven Everything is true Chorus
小小美人鱼2005-12-17 14:14:51
help..why no music....faint...who can help me
某部潜水员2005-12-17 16:38:24
某部潜水员2005-12-17 19:17:02