珠砾2005-12-21 03:41:35

异乡过客2005-12-21 04:09:36
珠砾2005-12-21 04:17:22
:) 我被这个Flash深深打动……
Dr-Doctor2005-12-21 04:30:49
very lovely! really nice!
异乡过客2005-12-21 04:32:41
so do i
珠砾2005-12-21 04:34:38
回复:and you are quick……
Dr-Doctor2005-12-21 04:38:22
quick……for what?
珠砾2005-12-21 04:43:22
回复:for move it around, as I did :)
Dr-Doctor2005-12-21 04:46:17
珠砾2005-12-21 04:47:57
回复:great pleasure to share beautiful things, haha
Miner2005-12-21 19:12:35
回复:搬来一个精美好贴,我最喜爱的歌之一:Scarborough Fair(flash
bluebird202005-12-23 00:48:25
是我一直想找的一首歌. So beautiful flash and song, love it!!!!!