@^_^@2005-12-21 05:23:32

The White World of Winter

In this won-der-ful white world of win-ter___
Dar-ling, we'll have a won - der - ful time;_____
First, we'll ride side by side thru the hin-ter___
And ron-de-lay to the sleigh - bell's mer-rie chime;___
Then we'll ski fan-cy free down the moun-tains____
And take those chanc-es___ all sil-ly peo-ple do___

If there's ev - er a mo-ment you are freez-in',
Just a lit-tle squeez-in' Could be might-y pleas-in'
in this won - der - ful white world of win-ter____
I'm fall-in' head o-ver heels_ o -ver you.

In this won-der-ful white world of win-ter___
Dar-ling, we'll have a won - der - ful time;_____
If we prayed it would snow all this win-ter___
I ask ya, is that a terr' - ble horr' - ble crime?
I can't wait till we skate on Lake Hap - py___
And sup a hot but - tered cup in the af-ter-flow__

If there's ev - er a mo-ment you're not laugh-in',
May-be a to-bog-gan Split your lit-tle nog-gin'
In this won - der - ful white world of win-ter____
I'm think-in' you are the sweet-est one I know.___

Stiella2005-12-21 05:36:07
某部潜水员2005-12-21 05:36:28
书童2005-12-21 05:37:08
书童2005-12-21 05:38:38
某部潜水员2005-12-21 05:47:52
@^_^@2005-12-21 05:52:18
楼上各位好! 书童,这些是随意贴的,挑偶喜欢的和大家分享,晚安! :)
nes2005-12-21 05:53:36
在楼下问好一把! :)