云深不知处2005-12-24 15:22:12
祝你们身体健康! 万事之中惟兹为大, 生命不止是活着, 还要活得滋润 (Life is not merely being alive, but being well.) 祝你们家庭幸福! 成家不易持家更难, 后者需要高度的艺术。 Robert Frost 曾开出一副秘方, 不妨一试: “家庭生活之要义在于: 有暗示时能心领神会, 无暗示时莫自作多情” (“The greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intended—and not to take a hint when a hint isn’t intended.”)。 祝你们工作顺利! 伏尔泰说得好: “工作驱除三大魔: 贫穷倦怠和罪恶。” (“Work keeps at bay three great evils: boredom, vice, and need.”) 祝你们生活愉快! 愉快的生活得安贫乐道, 忙里偷闲; 罗素在 “The Conquest of Happiness” 一书中指出: “能明智地休闲是文明的终极产物, 但现在很少有人能达此境界” (“To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, and at present very few people have reached this level.”) 瞧一瞧花开花落, 瞅一瞅云卷云舒, 耐心倾听别人向你诉苦, 给素不相识的人一份关爱, 对弱者寄予设身处地的同情。 最后送上James Last 乐队 演奏的 Ave Maria, Merry Christmas to you all
nan_feng2005-12-24 16:31:58
rayray2005-12-24 17:05:09
1421582005-12-24 17:54:44
青梅2005-12-24 18:05:25
不潜水的也深表感谢! 圣诞快乐~
老潜2005-12-24 18:43:45
@^_^@2005-12-25 05:38:13
谢谢,祝云深不知处圣诞快乐! :)