proserpina2006-04-15 07:05:15


I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off.
I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on.
I wish I was a sentimental ornamnet you hung on
The christmas tree, I wish I was the star that went on top,
I wish I was the evidence
I wish I was the grounds for fifty million hands up raised and opened toward the sky.

I wish I was a sailor with someone who waited for me.
I wish I was as fortunate, as fortunate as me.
I wish I was a messenger, and all the news is good.
I wish I was the full moon shining off your camaro's hood.

I wish I was an alien, at home behind the sun,
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on.
I wish I was the pedal break that you depended on.
I wish I was the verb to trust, and never let you down.

I wish I was the radio song, the one that you turned up,
I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish,
I guess it never stops.

清风DJ2006-04-15 07:07:44
I wish I win the lottery tomorrow~~~~:-))))))))))
proserpina2006-04-15 07:08:27
me, too! did you buy? we did. ^O^
清风DJ2006-04-15 07:09:24
not yet~~~defnitely buy it tomorrow~~:-))))
proserpina2006-04-15 07:10:54
xixi, you might have missed the big 1. mega # is tonight.
清风DJ2006-04-15 07:14:24
I am cursing now~~~~:-)))))))))))))
cleanclear2006-04-15 07:14:39
never win, even a dollar:(
proserpina2006-04-15 07:15:39
no worry, there is always another one. :-))))))) that's what i
proserpina2006-04-15 07:16:12
the most i won is about $96. xixi.
清风DJ2006-04-15 07:17:45
proserpina2006-04-15 07:18:04
fresh news:no 1 won tonite.Next Tue it'll be ~ $260m!
清风DJ2006-04-15 07:18:10
good enough~~~:-)
清风DJ2006-04-15 07:24:40
ha`~~my spell worked~~~:-)))))