楚留香2006-09-12 16:48:43

This could be it, I think I'm in love
It's love this time
It just seems to fit, I think I'm in love
This love is mine

I can see you with me when I'm older
All my lonely night are finally over
You took the weight of the world off my
shoulders (the world just goes away)

Oh, when you kiss me

I know you miss me--
and when you're with me
The world just goes away
The way you hold me
The way you show me that you
adore me--oh, when you kiss me
Oh, yeah

You are the one, I think I'm in love
Life has begun

I can see the two of us together
I know I'm gonna be with you forever
Love couldn't be any better

[Repeat Chorus]

[Instrumental Solo]

I can see you with me when I'm older
All my lonely nights are finally over
You took the weight of the world off my
shoulders (the world just goes away)

[Repeat Chorus]

And when you kiss me
I know you miss me
Oh, the world just goes away
When you kiss me

戈壁滩上的流沙2006-09-12 16:58:28
繁星忘忧草2006-09-12 17:00:01
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-12 17:00:17
good song!
楚留香2006-09-12 17:02:44
楚留香2006-09-12 17:04:14
楚留香2006-09-12 17:06:15
rayray2006-09-12 17:16:28
糜糜之音啊?那可千万不能错过 ;)
繁星忘忧草2006-09-12 17:43:45
书童2006-09-12 17:45:17
回复:Shania Twain - When you kiss me
无智2006-09-12 18:32:20
johnz0022006-09-12 18:34:10
无智2006-09-12 18:34:17
脱下袈纱, 挺起胸膛, 走出佛门~~~~
圣牛2006-09-12 19:10:04
da jia :)
johnz0022006-09-12 19:20:57
洒家鲁智深欢迎无智返俗 。
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-12 19:30:19
圣牛2006-09-12 19:41:02
书童2006-09-12 19:51:48
回复:回复:Shania Twain - When you kiss me
绿色和平原子弹2006-09-12 19:56:00
书童2006-09-12 19:56:50
无智2006-09-12 20:35:46
林贝卡2006-09-12 20:49:43
Nice lyrics and wonderful music. Thanks for sharing it.
无智2006-09-12 20:53:18
无智2006-09-12 20:54:11
wang shang pa:-)
无智2006-09-12 20:55:41
谁说知音难觅来着, 门还没出呢, 就找到啦:----)