- 文学城
- [music]
东方之珠 演唱:罗大佑 陈淑桦 词、曲:罗大佑
小河弯弯向东流 流到香江去看一看 东方之珠 我的爱人 你的风采是否浪漫依然 月而弯弯的海港 夜色深深灯火闪亮 东方之珠整夜未眠 守着沧海桑田变幻的诺言 让海风吹拂了五千年 每一滴泪珠仿佛都说出你的尊严 让海潮伴我来保佑你 请别忘记我永远不变黄色的脸 船儿弯弯入海港 回头望望 沧海茫茫 东方之珠 拥抱着我 让我温暖你那沧凉的胸膛 music
请阅读更多我的博客文章>>> Hi,John,how are you doing so far? Have a nice afternoon.
谢谢RebeccaJJ,跟着笑鱼姐姐挤挤板凳 ;)
微笑的鱼, it is always nice to see you around.
Little sis, I posted that song last night in my blog,
回复:[东方之珠] To Stiella & 梦一生,congratulations!
baodi12345,thanks for your compliments. Nice afternoon.
微笑的鱼,what do you think of it?
Thanks. Have a nice afternoon.回复:好漂亮的图片阿
谢谢林贝卡的祝贺贴, 再次祝贺 Stiella & 梦一生荣任斑竹,
插个队,不想坐鱼尾巴后头~ 问姐好,NICE POST!
Nice post Rebecca! Congrats to Stiella & 梦一生 too.
No, way! 俺好不容易混到二世地位,能轻易让位吗?
so far so good. I really like this song.
To Stiella & 梦一生,congratulations! (ZT, ZT)
Hi,little brother, thanks. Good night.
肖萧, thank you for your messages.
newyorker64, thank you. Good night.
磨坊小札, how are you doing? Nice things are for sharing.
Sweetlife, good night.回复:To Stiella & 梦一生,congratulations!
临风仙子, hi, thanks. Good night.
梦一生, my pleasure. Good night.